Westminster Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7DG
01722 336459


Welcome from the Chair

On behalf of the governors, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Sarum St Paul’s Church of England Primary School.

Sarum St Paul’s is a thriving, happy and Outstanding school (Ofsted 2014) nestled between the city of Salisbury and the countryside beyond. The governors, staff, p

arents and pupils are justifiably proud of our school, the high standards and progress our children achieve and our close links with the local community and church.

As a church school, Christian faith is integral to our assemblies and curriculum. We also encourage pupils to be aware of their responsibilities to those of different beliefs and cultural backgrounds. We welcome families and children of all faiths and those of none.

The governing body at Sarum St Paul's works closely with Headteacher Mrs Weavers and the Senior Leadership Team to make sure standards and expectations remain high.

The governors are drawn from the Church, parents, staff and the community and bring a wide range of expertise from their varied backgrounds. The school is fortunate to have the assistance of the Clerk to the Governors who makes an invaluable contribution to our work.

While Mrs Weavers and her staff are the professionals who manage the day to day work, the Headteacher is accountable to the governors for the performance of the school and in turn the governing body is accountable to parents and the wider community for the standard and quality of the inclusive education the school provides.

As governors we are charged with helping set the school's long-term vision, ethos and strategic direction. We are responsible for the budget and ensuring money is well spent. We monitor and help set academic standards, holding the Headteacher to account for teaching and attainment, as well as behaviour and safety. We are also involved in staff appointments and offer support and challenge to the Senior Leadership Team, liaising with the local authority and diocese as appropriate.

In terms of structure, the governing body organises itself into four key committees, each with specific focus: Curriculum, Finance & Buildings, Personnel and Ethos. Individual governors also undertake link work across all subjects.

We are fortunate to have a hard-working and dedicated staff at Sarum St Paul's who help pupils, irrespective of ability, to realise their full potential academically and socially, and with a firm eye to pupil well-being. We want our children to be curious, imaginative and confident risk takers who are motivated to develop a love of learning that will continue throughout their lives.

We also have incredibly supportive parents/carers and grandparents who do much to enrich the life of the school by reading to children, organising book bags, helping with creative arts, cookery and the library, as well as on our educational visits and raising funds through Friends of Sarum St Paul's.

We hope you enjoy our website, including the governor pages, where you can find out more about who we are, what we do and how you can become involved.


Caroline Chitty

Chair of Governors


Our Governing Body 


Governor Role 

Term of Office



Finance & Premises


Lizzie Weavers

Staff (Headteacher)

Ex officio





Caroline Chitty (Chair)

Foundation Governor

09/01/22 to 08/01/26





Jon Adams (Vice Chair)

Parent Governor

01/01/23 to 31/12/26





Doug Imeson

Foundation Governor

03/03/22 to 02/03/24




Yes (Chair)

Ela Peska

LA Governor

01/09/23 to 31/08/27



Yes (Chair)


Tracy McClelland

Staff Governor

01/09/22 to 31/08/26





Mark Nolan

Parent Governor

01/09/22 to 31/08/26

Yes (Chair)




Camila Knapman

Foundation Governor

11/11/21 to 10/11/25





Kim Ryalls

Foundation Governor

29/08/20 to 28/08/24





Jamie Burns

Foundation Governor

22/03/22 to 21/03/26





Bev Hancock

Foundation Governor

21/10/22 to 20/10/26


Yes (Chair)



Rev’d Craig Ryalls

Foundation Governor

Ex officio





Gina Hepburn

Parent Governor

01/09/23 to 31/08/27





Petra Randall

Foundation Governor

24/07/23 to 23/07/27






Associate Governors 2023-24

Mrs Shirley Down - Premises (Sept 2022 - Aug 2026) - no voting rights

Mrs Janette Field - Finance & Premises and Personnel (Sept 2022 - Aug 2026) - no voting rights 


 Governors Who Have Stepped Down Since September 2016  


 Communication to parents

Announcement of new parent governor September 2022

Announcement of new parent governor January 2023

Announcement of new parent governor September 2023


Annual Reports to Parents

2022/23 report to follow


Governor Attendance


Committee Structures

Committee Structure 2023/24


Governor Interests 2023/24


Minutes of Full Governing Body meetings

Oct 02 2023 - minutes not yet approved

Jun 19 2023

Feb 06 2023

Sep 26 2022 

Jun 20 2022

Jan 31 2022

Sep 13 2021

Jun 21 2021

Feb 01 2021

Sep 21 2020


Date of Next FGB : 5th February 2024


All enquiries to Clerk to the Board of Governors c/o Sarum St Paul's School

Westminster Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7DG
01722 336459


Welcome from the Chair

On behalf of the governors, I would like to extend a warm welcome to Sarum St Paul’s Church of England Primary School.

Sarum St Paul’s is a thriving, happy and Outstanding school (Ofsted 2014) nestled between the city of Salisbury and the countryside beyond. The governors, staff, p

arents and pupils are justifiably proud of our school, the high standards and progress our children achieve and our close links with the local community and church.

As a church school, Christian faith is integral to our assemblies and curriculum. We also encourage pupils to be aware of their responsibilities to those of different beliefs and cultural backgrounds. We welcome families and children of all faiths and those of none.

The governing body at Sarum St Paul's works closely with Headteacher Mrs Weavers and the Senior Leadership Team to make sure standards and expectations remain high.

The governors are drawn from the Church, parents, staff and the community and bring a wide range of expertise from their varied backgrounds. The school is fortunate to have the assistance of the Clerk to the Governors who makes an invaluable contribution to our work.

While Mrs Weavers and her staff are the professionals who manage the day to day work, the Headteacher is accountable to the governors for the performance of the school and in turn the governing body is accountable to parents and the wider community for the standard and quality of the inclusive education the school provides.

As governors we are charged with helping set the school's long-term vision, ethos and strategic direction. We are responsible for the budget and ensuring money is well spent. We monitor and help set academic standards, holding the Headteacher to account for teaching and attainment, as well as behaviour and safety. We are also involved in staff appointments and offer support and challenge to the Senior Leadership Team, liaising with the local authority and diocese as appropriate.

In terms of structure, the governing body organises itself into four key committees, each with specific focus: Curriculum, Finance & Buildings, Personnel and Ethos. Individual governors also undertake link work across all subjects.

We are fortunate to have a hard-working and dedicated staff at Sarum St Paul's who help pupils, irrespective of ability, to realise their full potential academically and socially, and with a firm eye to pupil well-being. We want our children to be curious, imaginative and confident risk takers who are motivated to develop a love of learning that will continue throughout their lives.

We also have incredibly supportive parents/carers and grandparents who do much to enrich the life of the school by reading to children, organising book bags, helping with creative arts, cookery and the library, as well as on our educational visits and raising funds through Friends of Sarum St Paul's.

We hope you enjoy our website, including the governor pages, where you can find out more about who we are, what we do and how you can become involved.


Caroline Chitty

Chair of Governors


Our Governing Body 


Governor Role 

Term of Office



Finance & Premises


Lizzie Weavers

Staff (Headteacher)

Ex officio





Caroline Chitty (Chair)

Foundation Governor

09/01/22 to 08/01/26





Jon Adams (Vice Chair)

Parent Governor

01/01/23 to 31/12/26





Doug Imeson

Foundation Governor

03/03/22 to 02/03/24




Yes (Chair)

Ela Peska

LA Governor

01/09/23 to 31/08/27



Yes (Chair)


Tracy McClelland

Staff Governor

01/09/22 to 31/08/26





Mark Nolan

Parent Governor

01/09/22 to 31/08/26

Yes (Chair)




Camila Knapman

Foundation Governor

11/11/21 to 10/11/25





Kim Ryalls

Foundation Governor

29/08/20 to 28/08/24





Jamie Burns

Foundation Governor

22/03/22 to 21/03/26





Bev Hancock

Foundation Governor

21/10/22 to 20/10/26


Yes (Chair)



Rev’d Craig Ryalls

Foundation Governor

Ex officio





Gina Hepburn

Parent Governor

01/09/23 to 31/08/27





Petra Randall

Foundation Governor

24/07/23 to 23/07/27






Associate Governors 2023-24

Mrs Shirley Down - Premises (Sept 2022 - Aug 2026) - no voting rights

Mrs Janette Field - Finance & Premises and Personnel (Sept 2022 - Aug 2026) - no voting rights 


 Governors Who Have Stepped Down Since September 2016  


 Communication to parents

Announcement of new parent governor September 2022

Announcement of new parent governor January 2023

Announcement of new parent governor September 2023


Annual Reports to Parents

2022/23 report to follow


Governor Attendance


Committee Structures

Committee Structure 2023/24


Governor Interests 2023/24


Minutes of Full Governing Body meetings

Oct 02 2023 - minutes not yet approved

Jun 19 2023

Feb 06 2023

Sep 26 2022 

Jun 20 2022

Jan 31 2022

Sep 13 2021

Jun 21 2021

Feb 01 2021

Sep 21 2020


Date of Next FGB : 5th February 2024


All enquiries to Clerk to the Board of Governors c/o Sarum St Paul's School