Our Family Link Worker
The role of a Family Link Worker (FLW) is to work in partnership with parents and school. Our FLW, Debbie Newman, can offer help and support to parents in a variety of ways:
Click here to read more about how Debbie can support you and your family.
Click here to read the leaflet which is held in the office.
Debbie is in school every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.
However, she can be contacted at any time on 07752 158827 or PSA@sarum-st-pauls.wilts.sch.uk
We will be running Parent information sessions and courses throughout the year.
Our Family Link Worker
The role of a Family Link Worker (FLW) is to work in partnership with parents and school. Our FLW, Debbie Newman, can offer help and support to parents in a variety of ways:
Click here to read more about how Debbie can support you and your family.
Click here to read the leaflet which is held in the office.
Debbie is in school every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.
However, she can be contacted at any time on 07752 158827 or PSA@sarum-st-pauls.wilts.sch.uk
We will be running Parent information sessions and courses throughout the year.
Our Family Link Worker
The role of a Family Link Worker (FLW) is to work in partnership with parents and school. Our FLW, Debbie Newman, can offer help and support to parents in a variety of ways:
Click here to read more about how Debbie can support you and your family.
Click here to read the leaflet which is held in the office.
Debbie is in school every Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning.
However, she can be contacted at any time on 07752 158827 or PSA@sarum-st-pauls.wilts.sch.uk
We will be running Parent information sessions and courses throughout the year.