Westminster Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7DG
01722 336459

Admission Arrangements



Applications for in year admission may be submitted at any time during the school year.

The School is part of the LA’s in-year co-ordination scheme. Any person wishing to apply for a place at the School in-year will need to contact the LA for an application form (supplementary forms seeking priority under the vulnerable children or faith criterion can be downloaded from the school’s website or available from the school office) Further details in respect of in-year applications are also available from the School office or from the School website.

The LA will liaise with the School on receipt of any in-year application so that it may be processed in accordance with the School’s admission arrangements.


ADMISSIONS CONSULTATION - 4th December 2020 - 29th January 2021

The Governing Body of Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on it's proposed Admission Arrangements for 2022-23, as determined by the School Admissions Code which was published 19th December 2014.


Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on planned changes to our Faith Criterion Requirement to change the definition of “Regularly".  


Admissions Arrangements 2022-23

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2022-23 


The consultation period ended on Thursday 14th January 2021.



The Governing Body of Sarum St Paul’s Primary School were approved a variation to our Admission Arrangements 2021-22 and 'Supplementary Information Form' following the closure of churches during lockdown due to COVID-19.


Please see the letter from our Chair of Governors below;

Chair of Governors Letter.



ADMISSIONS CONSULTATION - 18th December 2018 - 29th January 2019 

The Governing Body of Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on it's proposed Admission Arrangements for 2020-2021, as determined by the School Admissions Code which was published on 19th December 2014.


Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on planned changes to the definition of our Vulnerable Children oversubscription criterion to include a definition of “Vulnerable Family Need”. 


The consultation period ended at 12.00 noon on Tuesday 29th January 2019.




Admission Arrangements 2023-24

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2023-24

Admission Arrangements 2024-25

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2024-25

Admission Arrangement 2025-26

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2025-26



Allocations Summary 2024-25

Appeal Timetable 2024-25

Appeal Form RECEPTION PLACES September 2024

School Admissions Code Section 2.15 - Infant Class Size Permitted Exceptions

Information - Infant Class Size Appeals

Appeal Form IN YEAR PLACES 2024-25




Allocations Summary 2023-24

Appeal Timetable 2023-24

Appeal Form RECEPTION PLACES September 2023

School Admissions Code Section 2.15 - Infant Class Size Permitted Exceptions

Information - Infant Class Size Appeals

Appeal Form IN YEAR PLACES 2023-24



Allocations Summary 2022-23

Appeal Timetable 2022-23

Appeal Form RECEPTION PLACES September 2022

Appeal Form IN YEAR PLACES 2022-23

School Admissions Code Section 2.15 - Infant Class Size Permitted Exceptions


 NEW School Admissions Code - effective 19th December 2014

 SSP Catchment Area - List of Addresses

 Map of Catchment Area



Westminster Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7DG
01722 336459

Admission Arrangements



Applications for in year admission may be submitted at any time during the school year.

The School is part of the LA’s in-year co-ordination scheme. Any person wishing to apply for a place at the School in-year will need to contact the LA for an application form (supplementary forms seeking priority under the vulnerable children or faith criterion can be downloaded from the school’s website or available from the school office) Further details in respect of in-year applications are also available from the School office or from the School website.

The LA will liaise with the School on receipt of any in-year application so that it may be processed in accordance with the School’s admission arrangements.


ADMISSIONS CONSULTATION - 4th December 2020 - 29th January 2021

The Governing Body of Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on it's proposed Admission Arrangements for 2022-23, as determined by the School Admissions Code which was published 19th December 2014.


Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on planned changes to our Faith Criterion Requirement to change the definition of “Regularly".  


Admissions Arrangements 2022-23

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2022-23 


The consultation period ended on Thursday 14th January 2021.



The Governing Body of Sarum St Paul’s Primary School were approved a variation to our Admission Arrangements 2021-22 and 'Supplementary Information Form' following the closure of churches during lockdown due to COVID-19.


Please see the letter from our Chair of Governors below;

Chair of Governors Letter.



ADMISSIONS CONSULTATION - 18th December 2018 - 29th January 2019 

The Governing Body of Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on it's proposed Admission Arrangements for 2020-2021, as determined by the School Admissions Code which was published on 19th December 2014.


Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on planned changes to the definition of our Vulnerable Children oversubscription criterion to include a definition of “Vulnerable Family Need”. 


The consultation period ended at 12.00 noon on Tuesday 29th January 2019.




Admission Arrangements 2023-24

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2023-24

Admission Arrangements 2024-25

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2024-25

Admission Arrangement 2025-26

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2025-26



Allocations Summary 2024-25

Appeal Timetable 2024-25

Appeal Form RECEPTION PLACES September 2024

School Admissions Code Section 2.15 - Infant Class Size Permitted Exceptions

Information - Infant Class Size Appeals

Appeal Form IN YEAR PLACES 2024-25




Allocations Summary 2023-24

Appeal Timetable 2023-24

Appeal Form RECEPTION PLACES September 2023

School Admissions Code Section 2.15 - Infant Class Size Permitted Exceptions

Information - Infant Class Size Appeals

Appeal Form IN YEAR PLACES 2023-24



Allocations Summary 2022-23

Appeal Timetable 2022-23

Appeal Form RECEPTION PLACES September 2022

Appeal Form IN YEAR PLACES 2022-23

School Admissions Code Section 2.15 - Infant Class Size Permitted Exceptions


 NEW School Admissions Code - effective 19th December 2014

 SSP Catchment Area - List of Addresses

 Map of Catchment Area



Westminster Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7DG
01722 336459

Admission Arrangements



Applications for in year admission may be submitted at any time during the school year.

The School is part of the LA’s in-year co-ordination scheme. Any person wishing to apply for a place at the School in-year will need to contact the LA for an application form (supplementary forms seeking priority under the vulnerable children or faith criterion can be downloaded from the school’s website or available from the school office) Further details in respect of in-year applications are also available from the School office or from the School website.

The LA will liaise with the School on receipt of any in-year application so that it may be processed in accordance with the School’s admission arrangements.


ADMISSIONS CONSULTATION - 4th December 2020 - 29th January 2021

The Governing Body of Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on it's proposed Admission Arrangements for 2022-23, as determined by the School Admissions Code which was published 19th December 2014.


Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on planned changes to our Faith Criterion Requirement to change the definition of “Regularly".  


Admissions Arrangements 2022-23

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2022-23 


The consultation period ended on Thursday 14th January 2021.



The Governing Body of Sarum St Paul’s Primary School were approved a variation to our Admission Arrangements 2021-22 and 'Supplementary Information Form' following the closure of churches during lockdown due to COVID-19.


Please see the letter from our Chair of Governors below;

Chair of Governors Letter.



ADMISSIONS CONSULTATION - 18th December 2018 - 29th January 2019 

The Governing Body of Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on it's proposed Admission Arrangements for 2020-2021, as determined by the School Admissions Code which was published on 19th December 2014.


Sarum St Paul’s Primary School consulted on planned changes to the definition of our Vulnerable Children oversubscription criterion to include a definition of “Vulnerable Family Need”. 


The consultation period ended at 12.00 noon on Tuesday 29th January 2019.




Admission Arrangements 2023-24

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2023-24

Admission Arrangements 2024-25

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2024-25

Admission Arrangement 2025-26

Faith & Vulnerable Children Supplementary Information Form 2025-26



Allocations Summary 2024-25

Appeal Timetable 2024-25

Appeal Form RECEPTION PLACES September 2024

School Admissions Code Section 2.15 - Infant Class Size Permitted Exceptions

Information - Infant Class Size Appeals

Appeal Form IN YEAR PLACES 2024-25




Allocations Summary 2023-24

Appeal Timetable 2023-24

Appeal Form RECEPTION PLACES September 2023

School Admissions Code Section 2.15 - Infant Class Size Permitted Exceptions

Information - Infant Class Size Appeals

Appeal Form IN YEAR PLACES 2023-24



Allocations Summary 2022-23

Appeal Timetable 2022-23

Appeal Form RECEPTION PLACES September 2022

Appeal Form IN YEAR PLACES 2022-23

School Admissions Code Section 2.15 - Infant Class Size Permitted Exceptions


 NEW School Admissions Code - effective 19th December 2014

 SSP Catchment Area - List of Addresses

 Map of Catchment Area