Sarum St Paul's pupils are given a range of responsibilities and opportunities during their time at our school to develop their leadership skills and sense of worth. From School Council to Penguin Prefects, Librarians to Sports Squad, our pupils thrive when given these roles and they flourish doing so!
Hedgehog Prefects
In Year 6, pupils are selected to be Hedgehog Prefects. These pupils arrive at school at 8.40am and help our EYFS teacher set up for the day. When Year R pupils arrive, they help them with their coats and book bags, welcome them into the classroom and settle them with an activity. When Hedgehogs come into our Collective Worships, prefects sit with them and help them participate with activities and singing.
Our team of librarians help organise and maintain our school library. They scan books in and out to pupils and staff, keep the library tidy and support the English lead in promoting reading across the school.
Sports Squad
This incredible team of pupils help our PE leader organise events, most importantly... Sports Day! They are fantastic ambassadors and inspire other children to take up sport and physical activity. They help run our weekly 'Wake and Shake'.
Tuck Shop
Every Friday we have a healthy tuck shop at breaktime, this is run by pupils in Key Stage 2. These pupils are responsible for setting it up, liaising with customers, counting the money and putting in an order for the following week's food order.
House Captains
Two children from each of our house teams support the Headteacher in the running of our Celebration Assembly each Friday. They present certificates, announce house winners and recognise those children who have had a birthday. They help staff members run house events and lead the 'house chant' for winning teams.
Reading Buddies
Some pupils are trained to support younger children with their reading . They spend time each week reading 1:1 and helping children develop their fluency.
Eco Monitors
These children help manage their class recycling system, they also organise class litter picking opportunities. These children help to make our school a more environmentally friendly place.
School Council
Two pupils per class are elected to be School Council reps. These children work closely with the headteacher to lead whole school projects, collect pupil voice and share ideas and views on school improvement. There is a wide representation of pupils within our School Council to ensure views are captured from all pupils.
What impact do our pupils have on our school?
Sarum St Paul's pupils are given a range of responsibilities and opportunities during their time at our school to develop their leadership skills and sense of worth. From School Council to Penguin Prefects, Librarians to Sports Squad, our pupils thrive when given these roles and they flourish doing so!
Hedgehog Prefects
In Year 6, pupils are selected to be Hedgehog Prefects. These pupils arrive at school at 8.40am and help our EYFS teacher set up for the day. When Year R pupils arrive, they help them with their coats and book bags, welcome them into the classroom and settle them with an activity. When Hedgehogs come into our Collective Worships, prefects sit with them and help them participate with activities and singing.
Our team of librarians help organise and maintain our school library. They scan books in and out to pupils and staff, keep the library tidy and support the English lead in promoting reading across the school.
Sports Squad
This incredible team of pupils help our PE leader organise events, most importantly... Sports Day! They are fantastic ambassadors and inspire other children to take up sport and physical activity. They help run our weekly 'Wake and Shake'.
Tuck Shop
Every Friday we have a healthy tuck shop at breaktime, this is run by pupils in Key Stage 2. These pupils are responsible for setting it up, liaising with customers, counting the money and putting in an order for the following week's food order.
House Captains
Two children from each of our house teams support the Headteacher in the running of our Celebration Assembly each Friday. They present certificates, announce house winners and recognise those children who have had a birthday. They help staff members run house events and lead the 'house chant' for winning teams.
Reading Buddies
Some pupils are trained to support younger children with their reading . They spend time each week reading 1:1 and helping children develop their fluency.
Eco Monitors
These children help manage their class recycling system, they also organise class litter picking opportunities. These children help to make our school a more environmentally friendly place.
School Council
Two pupils per class are elected to be School Council reps. These children work closely with the headteacher to lead whole school projects, collect pupil voice and share ideas and views on school improvement. There is a wide representation of pupils within our School Council to ensure views are captured from all pupils.
What impact do our pupils have on our school?