Our school’s curriculum includes all the planned activities that we organise in order to promote learning, and the children’s emotional well-being. It encompasses the ‘hidden curriculum’ – what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. We want children to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and cooperate with others while at the same time developing their knowledge and skills, in order to achieve their true potential and grow a 'love of learning'. It promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and aims to prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in modern Britain. The school curriculum provides opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve.
We strive to make our curriculum creative and stimulating for learners, by choosing curriculum units that will motivate and bring a desire to learn. We have a whole school 'umbrella topic' then classes focus on curriculum areas relevant to their year group National Curriculum objectives. The umbrella topics provide opportunities for whole school projects, events, trips and collaborative work and opportunities to see how curriculum areas fit in to 'the bigger picture'. Where appropriate cross-curricular links are made. We have a 2 year rolling programme for some curriculum areas for Key Stage 1, Years 3/4 and Years 5/6. In the Foundation Stage the units are shorter and converge with the Key Stage 1 topics where appropriate.
Through our small step planning, we set clear learning objectives and identify the end goals for each topic; our plans ensure the National Curriculum strands have been covered. All parents are sent a curriculum map at the start of every term, informing them of the topic their child will be studying and an outline of what will be covered under each subject area. Please see the 'RE within our school' section for more information about the teaching of Religious Education.
Our curriculum is regularly reviewed and matched to our pupils' needs and interests as well as taking into consideration current affairs, statutory requirements and wider opportunities. We spend an INSET day every summer term evaluating and reflecting on our practice and making adaptations as needed. We are proud of our curriculum's sequence and delivery and the impact it has on our pupils. Children are motivated and engaged, they live out our vision of 'loving to learn' and they leave our school well prepared for Key Stage 3.
The Saurm St Paul's Curriculum Overiew
Rotation A
Autumn - Night at the Museum
Spring - Secrets of Salisbury
Summer - Britain Britian and Beyond
Rotation B
Autumn - Our Diverse World
Spring - Step Through Time
Summer - Have you got your Passport?
'The curriculum leader is passionate and highly knowledgeable about the schools curriculum intent, implementation and impact. They were able to provide good commentary to support the rational of their curriculum. This was evident from their effective explanation of the work pupils had undertaken and the rationale for it.'
'The pupils work observed from books is challenging and matches the aims of the curriculum. It is well planned and
sequenced towards building sufficient knowledge to aid understanding.'
'The sequencing of the curriculum enables all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils to build on their knowledge and skills.'
School Improvement Advisor visit February 2022.
Year Group Curriculum
These documents outline the knowledge and skills taught in each year group over the two-year rotation. At Sarum St Paul’s we pride ourselves on enriching our curriculum and developing learning based on the children’s love of learning and curiosity. We often take learning above and beyond, providing rich learning experiences for pupils such as themed days and hooks that ignite interest and excitement in our pupils and takes into account current affairs and opportunities within our local community.
Year R - see EYFS webpage
Our school’s curriculum includes all the planned activities that we organise in order to promote learning, and the children’s emotional well-being. It encompasses the ‘hidden curriculum’ – what the children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave. We want children to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and cooperate with others while at the same time developing their knowledge and skills, in order to achieve their true potential and grow a 'love of learning'. It promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and aims to prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in modern Britain. The school curriculum provides opportunities for all pupils to learn and to achieve.
We strive to make our curriculum creative and stimulating for learners, by choosing curriculum units that will motivate and bring a desire to learn. We have a whole school 'umbrella topic' then classes focus on curriculum areas relevant to their year group National Curriculum objectives. The umbrella topics provide opportunities for whole school projects, events, trips and collaborative work and opportunities to see how curriculum areas fit in to 'the bigger picture'. Where appropriate cross-curricular links are made. We have a 2 year rolling programme for some curriculum areas for Key Stage 1, Years 3/4 and Years 5/6. In the Foundation Stage the units are shorter and converge with the Key Stage 1 topics where appropriate.
Through our small step planning, we set clear learning objectives and identify the end goals for each topic; our plans ensure the National Curriculum strands have been covered. All parents are sent a curriculum map at the start of every term, informing them of the topic their child will be studying and an outline of what will be covered under each subject area. Please see the 'RE within our school' section for more information about the teaching of Religious Education.
Our curriculum is regularly reviewed and matched to our pupils' needs and interests as well as taking into consideration current affairs, statutory requirements and wider opportunities. We spend an INSET day every summer term evaluating and reflecting on our practice and making adaptations as needed. We are proud of our curriculum's sequence and delivery and the impact it has on our pupils. Children are motivated and engaged, they live out our vision of 'loving to learn' and they leave our school well prepared for Key Stage 3.
The Saurm St Paul's Curriculum Overiew
Rotation A
Autumn - Night at the Museum
Spring - Secrets of Salisbury
Summer - Britain Britian and Beyond
Rotation B
Autumn - Our Diverse World
Spring - Step Through Time
Summer - Have you got your Passport?
'The curriculum leader is passionate and highly knowledgeable about the schools curriculum intent, implementation and impact. They were able to provide good commentary to support the rational of their curriculum. This was evident from their effective explanation of the work pupils had undertaken and the rationale for it.'
'The pupils work observed from books is challenging and matches the aims of the curriculum. It is well planned and
sequenced towards building sufficient knowledge to aid understanding.'
'The sequencing of the curriculum enables all pupils, including disadvantaged pupils to build on their knowledge and skills.'
School Improvement Advisor visit February 2022.
Year Group Curriculum
These documents outline the knowledge and skills taught in each year group over the two-year rotation. At Sarum St Paul’s we pride ourselves on enriching our curriculum and developing learning based on the children’s love of learning and curiosity. We often take learning above and beyond, providing rich learning experiences for pupils such as themed days and hooks that ignite interest and excitement in our pupils and takes into account current affairs and opportunities within our local community.
Year R - see EYFS webpage