'Without exception, the team supporting the PPG pupils are passionate and 'go beyond' to meet their needs. They love the pupils and work effectively as a team to provide the care, support and guidance.'
School Improvement Advisor February 2022
Pupil Premium Funding at Sarum St Paul’s Primary School
Schools receive additional funding for children who are in receipt of free school meals or who are under the care of the Local Authority. This funding is referred to as ‘pupil premium’ funding. Furthermore we also receive a Pupil Premium for children of parents in the armed services. How this money is allocated is up to the individual school. Its purpose is to provide the children concerned with additional resources / support, as identified on an individual basis, to ensure they have every opportunity to make the national expected progress during their time at the school.
The following funding has been made available to our school since the start of the ‘pupil premium’ funding initiative:
2019/20 financial year - £34,880
2020/21 financial year - £42,280
2021/22 financial year - £41, 625
2022/23 financial year - £45,795
2023/24 financial year - £57, 775
2024/25 financial year - £53, 384
Statement of Intent
At Sarum St Paul’s our vision is ‘Loving to learn as we build friendship and faith’ and we believe every child should be entitled to the best education and be able to thrive and flourish regardless of any disadvantage. We believe that all children, no matter their circumstances, have a right and deserve to experience all that life offers. Our vision and ethos is underpinned by John 10:10 ‘I have come in order that you have life – life in all its fullness.’
Our intention is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across all subject areas. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils to achieve that goal, including progress for those who are already high attainers
We have an ethos of attainment for all pupils and avoid stereotyping disadvantaged pupils as all facing similar barriers or having less potential to succeed. We actively ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. We pride ourselves on getting to know every individual, understanding their unique context, learning needs and family environment. Overcoming barriers to learning is pivotal in our Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) use. The challenges are varied and there is no “one size fits all” which is why we endeavor to champion every child as an individual
High-quality teaching is at the heart of our approach, with a focus on areas in which disadvantaged pupils require the most support. We build positive relationships built on mutual respect. We strive to instill ‘a love of learning’ in an inclusive and nurturing environment and we are proud of our wellbeing and mental health support. Our work through Pupil Premium is aimed at accelerating progress and reducing gaps; we strive to improve the personal development of our Pupil Premium pupils and their families.
Our Pupil Premium Strategy demonstrates how we will support pupils, and their families, in receipt of Pupil Premium. Our strategy is also integral to wider school plans for education recovery. We believe in maximising the use of the PPG by utilising a long-term strategy aligned to the School Development Plan. This enables us to implement a blend of short, medium and long term interventions, and align pupil premium use with wider school improvements and improving readiness to learn.
How we support pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium
At Sarum St.Paul’s we have used this funding to support our children through the following routes:
Our teaching assistants are highly skilled and support pupils through a wide range of ‘catch-up’ programmes. Every year they support children using the following programmes:
Unlocking Letters and Sounds Rainbow Reading Acceleread/accelerwrite Speedspell/read
Speedspell/read NESSY Wesford1 strategies Wesford2 strategies ELS
Nippy Numbers Numicon Speed tables Springboard
Speech and Language (SALT) Occupational therapy Social skills Narrative therapy SEAL ELSA Handwriting (Write from the start) Mastering memory Dyscalcullia programme Wesford1 strategies Secondary school transition Nurture time Social Communication (SCD) Mindfulness Rise and Shine breakfast club GUL Equine Therapy |
Impact of Pupil Premium Funding
At the end of each academic year we analyse the impact of these ‘catch-up’ programmes on pupils’ attainment and progress.
Ofsted 2014 'The pupils who are supported by additional funding are now making good progress in both English and mathematics. The gap in performance between these pupils and their peers is narrowing rapidly as a result of effective in class support and rigorous monitoring by the leadership team.'
2023 SATs
Year 6 data: |
Pupils eligible for PP (school) |
Pupils not eligible for PP (school) |
Pupils eligible for PP (national) |
Pupils not eligible for PP (national) |
% achieving in reading, writing and maths |
33% |
85% |
46% | 67% |
% achieving reading |
83% |
96% |
% achieving writing |
17% |
92% |
% achieving maths |
50% |
88% |
Our Pupil Premium Strategy
'The leadership team responsible for pupil premium have planned in detail the provision to raise the achievement of pupil premium and disadvantaged pupils.'
School Improvement Advisor November 2021
When deciding how to spend the Pupil Premium Grant ('PPG') it is important that we look at the potential barriers to learning faced by Pupil Premium pupils in the context of our school. The reasons for underachievement are many and varied and could include; less support at home; social and emotional difficulties due to complex family situations or attendance and punctuality difficulties. Each child entitled to the PPG is unique in their situation and our response to their needs must reflect this.
With this in mind, at Sarum St Paul's School we aim to build the capacity and expertise to enable us to provide a highly personalised programme of support in order to allow each child to reach his/her full potential.
Our key objective in using the PPG is to narrow the attainment and achievement gap between those entitled to Pupil Premium and those not. Historically pupils at Sarum St Paul's School achieve and attain well, often at levels higher than those expected nationally (when no other barriers e.g. an SEND). However, there is still a pattern of Pupil Premium pupils doing better than other Pupil Premium pupils nationally but not as well as those who are not entitled to the PPG. We aim to narrow and even remove this gap.
This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan:
Upward trend in pupil premium pupils reaching ARE in reading, including phonics
Upward trend in pupil premium pupils reaching ARE in writing
Upward trend in pupil premium pupils reaching ARE in maths and successfully passing Year 4 times tables check
Across the school, data for PP pupils to show more reaching ARE in line with non PP pupils
To achieve and sustain improved wellbeing for all pupils, particularly our disadvantaged pupils |
To achieve and sustain improved attendance for our disadvantaged pupils
To improve participation in wider enrichment activities
Families accessed in school support and approaches to learning improved because of addressing emotional needs/potential barriers related to home life
Click here for our 2023-2026 Pupil Premium Strategy (updated in December 2024)
Our Pupil Premium link governor is Mrs Ela Peska.
Our Designated Pupil Premium teacher is Mrs Lizzie Weavers.
'The PPG governor is providing ‘outstanding monitoring’ which enables the governing body to be kept informed because the visit reports are detailed. As a result, they are aware of the challenges faced by disadvantaged learners across the school.... Monitoring and evaluation schedule in place and outlines opportunities for Headteacher and governors to monitor provision over the year to demonstrate impact. The PPG governor is able to report on what impact the school is having on raising the PPG pupils learning from direct first hand evidence because the link governors is actively engaged in monitoring. In discussion with two pupils, it is clear they value the contribution, care and support provided by the school.'
School Improvement Advisor February 2022.
'The governor linked to PP is determined to ensure the planned provision is meeting their needs... It is clear the linked governor has the determination to secure good knowledge and understanding of the challenge faced by the pupils but also to show the impact on their learning... The pupil premium monitoring and evaluation schedule provides detailed opportunity for governors to be informed by the leadership team on the progress term by term.'
School Improvement Advisor November 2022.
'Without exception, the team supporting the PPG pupils are passionate and 'go beyond' to meet their needs. They love the pupils and work effectively as a team to provide the care, support and guidance.'
School Improvement Advisor February 2022
Pupil Premium Funding at Sarum St Paul’s Primary School
Schools receive additional funding for children who are in receipt of free school meals or who are under the care of the Local Authority. This funding is referred to as ‘pupil premium’ funding. Furthermore we also receive a Pupil Premium for children of parents in the armed services. How this money is allocated is up to the individual school. Its purpose is to provide the children concerned with additional resources / support, as identified on an individual basis, to ensure they have every opportunity to make the national expected progress during their time at the school.
The following funding has been made available to our school since the start of the ‘pupil premium’ funding initiative:
2019/20 financial year - £34,880
2020/21 financial year - £42,280
2021/22 financial year - £41, 625
2022/23 financial year - £45,795
2023/24 financial year - £57, 775
2024/25 financial year - £53, 384
Statement of Intent
At Sarum St Paul’s our vision is ‘Loving to learn as we build friendship and faith’ and we believe every child should be entitled to the best education and be able to thrive and flourish regardless of any disadvantage. We believe that all children, no matter their circumstances, have a right and deserve to experience all that life offers. Our vision and ethos is underpinned by John 10:10 ‘I have come in order that you have life – life in all its fullness.’
Our intention is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across all subject areas. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils to achieve that goal, including progress for those who are already high attainers
We have an ethos of attainment for all pupils and avoid stereotyping disadvantaged pupils as all facing similar barriers or having less potential to succeed. We actively ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. We pride ourselves on getting to know every individual, understanding their unique context, learning needs and family environment. Overcoming barriers to learning is pivotal in our Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) use. The challenges are varied and there is no “one size fits all” which is why we endeavor to champion every child as an individual
High-quality teaching is at the heart of our approach, with a focus on areas in which disadvantaged pupils require the most support. We build positive relationships built on mutual respect. We strive to instill ‘a love of learning’ in an inclusive and nurturing environment and we are proud of our wellbeing and mental health support. Our work through Pupil Premium is aimed at accelerating progress and reducing gaps; we strive to improve the personal development of our Pupil Premium pupils and their families.
Our Pupil Premium Strategy demonstrates how we will support pupils, and their families, in receipt of Pupil Premium. Our strategy is also integral to wider school plans for education recovery. We believe in maximising the use of the PPG by utilising a long-term strategy aligned to the School Development Plan. This enables us to implement a blend of short, medium and long term interventions, and align pupil premium use with wider school improvements and improving readiness to learn.
How we support pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium
At Sarum St.Paul’s we have used this funding to support our children through the following routes:
Our teaching assistants are highly skilled and support pupils through a wide range of ‘catch-up’ programmes. Every year they support children using the following programmes:
Unlocking Letters and Sounds Rainbow Reading Acceleread/accelerwrite Speedspell/read
Speedspell/read NESSY Wesford1 strategies Wesford2 strategies ELS
Nippy Numbers Numicon Speed tables Springboard
Speech and Language (SALT) Occupational therapy Social skills Narrative therapy SEAL ELSA Handwriting (Write from the start) Mastering memory Dyscalcullia programme Wesford1 strategies Secondary school transition Nurture time Social Communication (SCD) Mindfulness Rise and Shine breakfast club GUL Equine Therapy |
Impact of Pupil Premium Funding
At the end of each academic year we analyse the impact of these ‘catch-up’ programmes on pupils’ attainment and progress.
Ofsted 2014 'The pupils who are supported by additional funding are now making good progress in both English and mathematics. The gap in performance between these pupils and their peers is narrowing rapidly as a result of effective in class support and rigorous monitoring by the leadership team.'
2023 SATs
Year 6 data: |
Pupils eligible for PP (school) |
Pupils not eligible for PP (school) |
Pupils eligible for PP (national) |
Pupils not eligible for PP (national) |
% achieving in reading, writing and maths |
33% |
85% |
46% | 67% |
% achieving reading |
83% |
96% |
% achieving writing |
17% |
92% |
% achieving maths |
50% |
88% |
Our Pupil Premium Strategy
'The leadership team responsible for pupil premium have planned in detail the provision to raise the achievement of pupil premium and disadvantaged pupils.'
School Improvement Advisor November 2021
When deciding how to spend the Pupil Premium Grant ('PPG') it is important that we look at the potential barriers to learning faced by Pupil Premium pupils in the context of our school. The reasons for underachievement are many and varied and could include; less support at home; social and emotional difficulties due to complex family situations or attendance and punctuality difficulties. Each child entitled to the PPG is unique in their situation and our response to their needs must reflect this.
With this in mind, at Sarum St Paul's School we aim to build the capacity and expertise to enable us to provide a highly personalised programme of support in order to allow each child to reach his/her full potential.
Our key objective in using the PPG is to narrow the attainment and achievement gap between those entitled to Pupil Premium and those not. Historically pupils at Sarum St Paul's School achieve and attain well, often at levels higher than those expected nationally (when no other barriers e.g. an SEND). However, there is still a pattern of Pupil Premium pupils doing better than other Pupil Premium pupils nationally but not as well as those who are not entitled to the PPG. We aim to narrow and even remove this gap.
This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan:
Upward trend in pupil premium pupils reaching ARE in reading, including phonics
Upward trend in pupil premium pupils reaching ARE in writing
Upward trend in pupil premium pupils reaching ARE in maths and successfully passing Year 4 times tables check
Across the school, data for PP pupils to show more reaching ARE in line with non PP pupils
To achieve and sustain improved wellbeing for all pupils, particularly our disadvantaged pupils |
To achieve and sustain improved attendance for our disadvantaged pupils
To improve participation in wider enrichment activities
Families accessed in school support and approaches to learning improved because of addressing emotional needs/potential barriers related to home life
Click here for our 2023-2026 Pupil Premium Strategy (updated in December 2024)
Our Pupil Premium link governor is Mrs Ela Peska.
Our Designated Pupil Premium teacher is Mrs Lizzie Weavers.
'The PPG governor is providing ‘outstanding monitoring’ which enables the governing body to be kept informed because the visit reports are detailed. As a result, they are aware of the challenges faced by disadvantaged learners across the school.... Monitoring and evaluation schedule in place and outlines opportunities for Headteacher and governors to monitor provision over the year to demonstrate impact. The PPG governor is able to report on what impact the school is having on raising the PPG pupils learning from direct first hand evidence because the link governors is actively engaged in monitoring. In discussion with two pupils, it is clear they value the contribution, care and support provided by the school.'
School Improvement Advisor February 2022.
'The governor linked to PP is determined to ensure the planned provision is meeting their needs... It is clear the linked governor has the determination to secure good knowledge and understanding of the challenge faced by the pupils but also to show the impact on their learning... The pupil premium monitoring and evaluation schedule provides detailed opportunity for governors to be informed by the leadership team on the progress term by term.'
School Improvement Advisor November 2022.
'Without exception, the team supporting the PPG pupils are passionate and 'go beyond' to meet their needs. They love the pupils and work effectively as a team to provide the care, support and guidance.'
School Improvement Advisor February 2022
Pupil Premium Funding at Sarum St Paul’s Primary School
Schools receive additional funding for children who are in receipt of free school meals or who are under the care of the Local Authority. This funding is referred to as ‘pupil premium’ funding. Furthermore we also receive a Pupil Premium for children of parents in the armed services. How this money is allocated is up to the individual school. Its purpose is to provide the children concerned with additional resources / support, as identified on an individual basis, to ensure they have every opportunity to make the national expected progress during their time at the school.
The following funding has been made available to our school since the start of the ‘pupil premium’ funding initiative:
2019/20 financial year - £34,880
2020/21 financial year - £42,280
2021/22 financial year - £41, 625
2022/23 financial year - £45,795
2023/24 financial year - £57, 775
2024/25 financial year - £53, 384
Statement of Intent
At Sarum St Paul’s our vision is ‘Loving to learn as we build friendship and faith’ and we believe every child should be entitled to the best education and be able to thrive and flourish regardless of any disadvantage. We believe that all children, no matter their circumstances, have a right and deserve to experience all that life offers. Our vision and ethos is underpinned by John 10:10 ‘I have come in order that you have life – life in all its fullness.’
Our intention is that all pupils, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across all subject areas. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support disadvantaged pupils to achieve that goal, including progress for those who are already high attainers
We have an ethos of attainment for all pupils and avoid stereotyping disadvantaged pupils as all facing similar barriers or having less potential to succeed. We actively ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium. We pride ourselves on getting to know every individual, understanding their unique context, learning needs and family environment. Overcoming barriers to learning is pivotal in our Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) use. The challenges are varied and there is no “one size fits all” which is why we endeavor to champion every child as an individual
High-quality teaching is at the heart of our approach, with a focus on areas in which disadvantaged pupils require the most support. We build positive relationships built on mutual respect. We strive to instill ‘a love of learning’ in an inclusive and nurturing environment and we are proud of our wellbeing and mental health support. Our work through Pupil Premium is aimed at accelerating progress and reducing gaps; we strive to improve the personal development of our Pupil Premium pupils and their families.
Our Pupil Premium Strategy demonstrates how we will support pupils, and their families, in receipt of Pupil Premium. Our strategy is also integral to wider school plans for education recovery. We believe in maximising the use of the PPG by utilising a long-term strategy aligned to the School Development Plan. This enables us to implement a blend of short, medium and long term interventions, and align pupil premium use with wider school improvements and improving readiness to learn.
How we support pupils in receipt of the Pupil Premium
At Sarum St.Paul’s we have used this funding to support our children through the following routes:
Our teaching assistants are highly skilled and support pupils through a wide range of ‘catch-up’ programmes. Every year they support children using the following programmes:
Unlocking Letters and Sounds Rainbow Reading Acceleread/accelerwrite Speedspell/read
Speedspell/read NESSY Wesford1 strategies Wesford2 strategies ELS
Nippy Numbers Numicon Speed tables Springboard
Speech and Language (SALT) Occupational therapy Social skills Narrative therapy SEAL ELSA Handwriting (Write from the start) Mastering memory Dyscalcullia programme Wesford1 strategies Secondary school transition Nurture time Social Communication (SCD) Mindfulness Rise and Shine breakfast club GUL Equine Therapy |
Impact of Pupil Premium Funding
At the end of each academic year we analyse the impact of these ‘catch-up’ programmes on pupils’ attainment and progress.
Ofsted 2014 'The pupils who are supported by additional funding are now making good progress in both English and mathematics. The gap in performance between these pupils and their peers is narrowing rapidly as a result of effective in class support and rigorous monitoring by the leadership team.'
2023 SATs
Year 6 data: |
Pupils eligible for PP (school) |
Pupils not eligible for PP (school) |
Pupils eligible for PP (national) |
Pupils not eligible for PP (national) |
% achieving in reading, writing and maths |
33% |
85% |
46% | 67% |
% achieving reading |
83% |
96% |
% achieving writing |
17% |
92% |
% achieving maths |
50% |
88% |
Our Pupil Premium Strategy
'The leadership team responsible for pupil premium have planned in detail the provision to raise the achievement of pupil premium and disadvantaged pupils.'
School Improvement Advisor November 2021
When deciding how to spend the Pupil Premium Grant ('PPG') it is important that we look at the potential barriers to learning faced by Pupil Premium pupils in the context of our school. The reasons for underachievement are many and varied and could include; less support at home; social and emotional difficulties due to complex family situations or attendance and punctuality difficulties. Each child entitled to the PPG is unique in their situation and our response to their needs must reflect this.
With this in mind, at Sarum St Paul's School we aim to build the capacity and expertise to enable us to provide a highly personalised programme of support in order to allow each child to reach his/her full potential.
Our key objective in using the PPG is to narrow the attainment and achievement gap between those entitled to Pupil Premium and those not. Historically pupils at Sarum St Paul's School achieve and attain well, often at levels higher than those expected nationally (when no other barriers e.g. an SEND). However, there is still a pattern of Pupil Premium pupils doing better than other Pupil Premium pupils nationally but not as well as those who are not entitled to the PPG. We aim to narrow and even remove this gap.
This explains the outcomes we are aiming for by the end of our current strategy plan:
Upward trend in pupil premium pupils reaching ARE in reading, including phonics
Upward trend in pupil premium pupils reaching ARE in writing
Upward trend in pupil premium pupils reaching ARE in maths and successfully passing Year 4 times tables check
Across the school, data for PP pupils to show more reaching ARE in line with non PP pupils
To achieve and sustain improved wellbeing for all pupils, particularly our disadvantaged pupils |
To achieve and sustain improved attendance for our disadvantaged pupils
To improve participation in wider enrichment activities
Families accessed in school support and approaches to learning improved because of addressing emotional needs/potential barriers related to home life
Click here for our 2023-2026 Pupil Premium Strategy (updated in December 2024)
Our Pupil Premium link governor is Mrs Ela Peska.
Our Designated Pupil Premium teacher is Mrs Lizzie Weavers.
'The PPG governor is providing ‘outstanding monitoring’ which enables the governing body to be kept informed because the visit reports are detailed. As a result, they are aware of the challenges faced by disadvantaged learners across the school.... Monitoring and evaluation schedule in place and outlines opportunities for Headteacher and governors to monitor provision over the year to demonstrate impact. The PPG governor is able to report on what impact the school is having on raising the PPG pupils learning from direct first hand evidence because the link governors is actively engaged in monitoring. In discussion with two pupils, it is clear they value the contribution, care and support provided by the school.'
School Improvement Advisor February 2022.
'The governor linked to PP is determined to ensure the planned provision is meeting their needs... It is clear the linked governor has the determination to secure good knowledge and understanding of the challenge faced by the pupils but also to show the impact on their learning... The pupil premium monitoring and evaluation schedule provides detailed opportunity for governors to be informed by the leadership team on the progress term by term.'
School Improvement Advisor November 2022.