Westminster Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7DG
01722 336459

School Policy

We believe in providing every possible opportunity to develop the full potential of all children. All children will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, including extra-curricular activities, to enable them to flourish. All children are valued and their self-esteem promoted within the Christian ethos of the school. We work in close partnership with parents/carers who play an active and valued role in their child’s education. Our aim is that all children with special educational needs participate in activities compatible with the efficient education of other children and the effective use of well organised resources, adapting the curriculum to meet the individual needs of each child within an inclusive environment.

Please click on this link to access the school's SEND policy 2023/24.


 Our SEND Team

Mrs Julia Beales is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo). She is an experienced class teacher and is a member of the Senior Leadership Team. As SENCo she has responsibility for the following:

  • Managing the day to day operation of the policy.
  • Coordinating provision and managing the response to children’s needs.
  • Overseeing the records of children with SEND.
  • Acting as link with parents and external agencies.

Our Resource Base Manager is Mrs Tracy McClelland, who has responsibility for the Hearing Impairment Resource Base (HIRB) attached to the school. Mrs McClelland is currently completing her Teacher of the Deaf qualification. 

Both can be contacted via the school office on 01722 336459, your child’s class teacher or via email: senco@sarum-st-pauls.wilts.sch.uk


Our SEND link governor is Mrs Kim Ryalls. She is a qualified teacher with many years of SEND experience and she is a parent of the school. She can be contacted via the school office or email clerk@sarum-st-pauls.wilts.sch.uk 

Westminster Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7DG
01722 336459

School Policy

We believe in providing every possible opportunity to develop the full potential of all children. All children will have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, including extra-curricular activities, to enable them to flourish. All children are valued and their self-esteem promoted within the Christian ethos of the school. We work in close partnership with parents/carers who play an active and valued role in their child’s education. Our aim is that all children with special educational needs participate in activities compatible with the efficient education of other children and the effective use of well organised resources, adapting the curriculum to meet the individual needs of each child within an inclusive environment.

Please click on this link to access the school's SEND policy 2023/24.


 Our SEND Team

Mrs Julia Beales is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo). She is an experienced class teacher and is a member of the Senior Leadership Team. As SENCo she has responsibility for the following:

  • Managing the day to day operation of the policy.
  • Coordinating provision and managing the response to children’s needs.
  • Overseeing the records of children with SEND.
  • Acting as link with parents and external agencies.

Our Resource Base Manager is Mrs Tracy McClelland, who has responsibility for the Hearing Impairment Resource Base (HIRB) attached to the school. Mrs McClelland is currently completing her Teacher of the Deaf qualification. 

Both can be contacted via the school office on 01722 336459, your child’s class teacher or via email: senco@sarum-st-pauls.wilts.sch.uk


Our SEND link governor is Mrs Kim Ryalls. She is a qualified teacher with many years of SEND experience and she is a parent of the school. She can be contacted via the school office or email clerk@sarum-st-pauls.wilts.sch.uk