Through teaching Geography we aim to:
- Fire pupils' curiosity about the human and physical geography of the local area of Salisbury and compare this with an area in the wider world
- Encourage thinking about how land use has changed over time
- Develop the pupils’ sense of place
- Promote pupils’ awareness and impact of local, national and global issues, such as natural disasters and the environment, and therefore encourage them to become responsible citizens
- Improve children’s locational knowledge of significant places and geographical features as well as their geographical skills such as fieldwork and using maps and compasses
Through Geography we can also:
- Improve pupils' skills in English, Maths and Computing
- Develop pupils' thinking and enquiry skills
- Develop pupils as active citizens
- Develop children’s geographical vocabulary to help them communicate their knowledge and understanding
In learning Geography pupils will:
- Use a range of sources such as visitors, the local environment, sites, photographs, portraits, artefacts, written materials, ICT based materials, data, video extracts.
- Interpret a range of sources of geographical information, including maps, diagrams, globes, aerial photographs, and digital mapping.
- Present their knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways such as through drama, role play, debating, art, models, various writing styles / genre, collage, timelines, sketches, maps.
- As they grow in confidence, begin to pose and investigate their own questions about their local area.
- Communicate geographical information in a variety of ways.
Subject Leader: Miss Amanda Jones